Friday, July 22, 2011

Top 10 - Revision

10 Revision is not just re-doing or re-wording, but re-writing, re-viewing and re-belief my claim and idea

9  Revision works on the theme, not playing vocabulary games

8 Revision is like a patient training for marathon

7 Revision leads a bright path toward being a good writer 

6 Revision provides a chance to have conference with experts

5 Revision gives an opportunity to destroy the rough draft

4 Revision tells me to think who my audience is

3 Revision reminds me to work hard on English

2 Google Wikipedia, revision is the process of revising. More specifically, it may refer to update, revision control, belief revision, reVision, the endless revision, final articles revision convention,

1 According to Sommers Nancy, revision as finding the form or shape of their argument


  1. I love your number 5! Destroying my rough draft isn't easy, but it's ok to do!

  2. I like number 9--vocabulary games is a good term for editing without paying attention to the overall theme.
